12 Step Emphasis

Wildwood Recovery seamlessly integrates the 12-Step addiction approach into our mode of treatment.

We work closely with neighborhood Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA) groups throughout the local area, connecting our clients with specialized groups suited to their needs and demographics.

Benefits of 12-Step Involvement

At Wildwood Recovery, we believe that the 12-step process is integral to successful treatment and sustained recovery. The benefits of 12-step involvement are wide-ranging, including social, psychological, emotional and spiritual support.

Healthy Relationships and Sober Circles

Through attendance at 12-step meetings, patients gain a primary introduction to sober relationships, helping to build communication and listening skills as well as establish healthy boundaries. Often for the very first time, clients experience social situations with others equally committed to their sobriety. As a result, clients learn to experience deep, profound and simply fun interactions outside the context of substance abuse.

Safe, Nonjudgmental Atmosphere

Many recovered alcoholics and addicts still fight ignorance and social stigma from those without personal experience in addiction and the brave, rewarding journey achieving sobriety requires. Twelve-step meetings provide a safe haven in which to share the struggles and victories that accompany recovery, in an atmosphere of those who have walked the same path. Clients can share without reservation, safe in the knowledge they will be met with acceptance and respect.

Diverse group of young people laughing and having fun together

Deeper Understanding of the Recovery Process

Within the traditions of AA and NA, clients learn to take a daily approach of personal renewal and fortified commitment to sobriety. Through 12-step education, clients learn that recovery is a lifelong process, requiring mindfulness, personal inventory, and ongoing commitment in order to remain sober.

Spiritual Strength and Awareness

Twelve-step involvement also offers a spiritual path for clients, providing the comfort and guidance of a Higher Power within their personal religious beliefs.

12-Step Meeting Attendance

Staff members accompany Wildwood patients to off-site meetings and clients acquire sponsors during their stay at our facility to provide personal accountability and support. Dedicated Men’s and Women’s groups take place each week, providing camaraderie, empathy, and encouragement in a safe, confidential atmosphere.

Integrated 12-Step Treatment

Within their Wildwood recovery work, clients begin step work as part of their overall treatment plan, completing the preliminary steps prior to graduation. Therapists work with clients as they move through the steps, in both personalized therapy sessions and process groups.

Detox Center in Thousand Oaks, CA

The Role of 12-Step Meetings in Transitional Planning

Additionally, the 12-step treatment method offers a means of celebration of sobriety milestones as alumni walk the continual path of recovery. During transitional planning, patients transition to groups in their local area which they can attend upon graduation. Attendance in neighborhood NA and AA meetings provides convenient, local connection and growing friendships with committed, local group members. Those returning home at a distance receive referrals to 12-step meetings convenient to their areas. With plenty of groups to select from, 12-step involvement ensures that they can access group meetings virtually any day in recovery, providing support and acting as an additional means of relapse prevention.

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